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Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible Today in this short episode, I’m exploring the power of intentional pauses in our fast-paced lives.  I’ll be delving into the world of petite pauses – those brief moments of stillness that have the incredible power to root, ground, and bring the body to a place of calm. Tune […]

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Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible The decline of estrogen and other important hormones during menopause causes more than hot flashes. Their decline can also have a significant impact on cognitive function. As a result, understanding the connection between menopause and the brain is crucial for our well-being.  In today’s episode our featured health and […]

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Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible Women’s feelings about career changes during menopause are complex and multifaceted. While some women embrace the opportunity for personal and professional growth, others may experience anxiety and uncertainty. The physical and emotional challenges of menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue, can impact job performance and confidence. […]

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The calendar has turned its page from the warmth and vibrancy of summer, and we find ourselves in colorful autumn, a season of subtle transformation and introspection. Autumn is a season of transition, and the world outside mirrors the transformations within us—our bodies, thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Notice the similarities with the menopausal transition. As […]

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A POEM FOR YOU! In the dance of life, a new phase begins, A journey of change, where the old world thins, Menopause arrives with a quiet force, Bringing wisdom and grace on its sacred course. Once fertile grounds now lay sacred and bare, Yet within this stillness, a power to share, No longer defined […]

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Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible Restorative sleep is self-care and is fundamental for our overall well-being. However, during the menopause phase, sleep can be hard to come by for so many as fluctuating and declining hormones can cause disturbances, which can interrupt our wildest dreams.  So does that mean you’re not taking care of […]

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Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible The comfort zone feels sweet and safe, which is why so many find it hard to leave, even for their health and well-being. I mean, who doesn’t want to feel safe? But perceived fear can sabotage self-care, especially the perceived fear around things like aging and menopause.  Consider the […]

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Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible Many people suffer through the transition of perimenopause and post-menopause for many reasons. Some reasons we don’t have control over. But some we do have control over.  I share five mindset shifts in today’s episode that can ease menopause suffering in 2023. So If you’re one of those people […]

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Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible With The Pause Pod Podcast, I wanted, first and foremost, to focus on the people experiencing peri/post-menopause. Experts are great, valued, appreciated, and necessary. And I’ll have them on. But I want to connect the human faces to this human experience that’s menopause. So having real people on to […]

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I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.