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Many people suffer through the transition of perimenopause and post-menopause for many reasons. Some reasons we don’t have control over. But some we do have control over.
I share five mindset shifts in today’s episode that can ease menopause suffering in 2023. So If you’re one of those people suffering through the process or know someone who is, this is for you. Take a listen and take what you need to help ease any suffering you may be experiencing.
Symptoms during the menopause transition can be mild to moderate to severe, and no one knows where they will fall on the spectrum.
Let’s (peri)MenoPAUSE and prosper!
In this episode:
00:59: Welcome
02:48: Practice Triple A
06:05: Practice Self-care
08:05: Seek Support
11:00: Release expectations
14:05: Be optimistic
Additional Resources For Support:
Take the Menopause Quiz: Find out if you might be experiencing (peri)menopause
Menopause blog posts: Various posts about the menopausal phase
The symptoms checklist: A checklist with over forty symptoms you can check off
The menopause question list: A list of questions to ask your healthcare partner
Facebook private community: Private Facebook Community. Click the link to Join
I am by no means a medical professional. I am a Licensed and certified Biology/Health teacher/educator and award-winning beauty/wellness founder. Any information shared on this and future podcasts is my point of view or that of the guests. Please consult with your primary care partner for advice and treatments for your health and well-being. Please read the entire disclaimer Here.
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