What's Your MenoPause Phase?

Take the menopause quiz

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There are over 40 (now hearing 70) symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause. These symptoms can creep in, causing you to go, wtf? So yeah, it can be confusing and, at times, scary 'cause perhaps no one prepared you. Take the quiz and get a bit of clarity.

Are your symptoms perimenopausal or post-menopausal? Get a bit of clarity.

Take the menopause quiz

For the people experiencing perimenopause and menopause and those who want to support them. Pull up a chair or plop down on your fave resting spot. Plug in your earphones or pump up the volume on your Spotify speaker. And listen to exciting and much needed conversations about (peri)menopause lifestyle, a rite of passage and great transitional phase of life. 

The Pause Pod Is Here!

The Pause Pod  - Podcast

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July 01, 2022

I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.