I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.

I'm still living the country life but in small town, PA. At 38, my life began to shift from the inside out. There was a yearning for something different. Not more or less, just different.  So, it was no coincidence that around the same time, I also began to yearn for care; self-care. Suddenly (or perhaps all along), I realized that my mind, body, and spirit were soul-searching and identity-seeking. 

So at 40, after 16  years of teaching science in the classroom, I resigned from my job and embarked on a self-care sabbatical, which eventually synced me with my life's purpose.  

I'm 51, post menopausal and magical! I grew up in a small village of approximately three hundred people, located south of the Caribbean archipelago, in Trinidad & Tobago. 

Hey, I'm Dixie

Think of me as your well-aging peer and cheerleader devoted to supporting you on this magnificent transitional journey.

Nothing brings me greater joy than being in the company of and creating community with women, while listening, learning, and sharing ways to support and optimize health and wellbeing. Through my coaching practice and business, I've had the privilege of  meeting and supporting hundreds of women. The last 10 years was only a warm up, a coming of age if you may.  I'm super excited for this new phase of life. Join me. Let's do plus 50+ the WELLTHY way!!!

My story is not one of overnight success or rags to riches. It's one of consistency and patience, sprinkled in with love passion and perseverance. My love for the human body, which my grandmother instilled in me, has been a constant. And my passion for supporting women with their health and well-being needs are just a smidgen of the skills and virtues learned from my "bush doctor," G-ma. 

And so the story goes.....

8. MY GO-TO AM Drink:

a.  Christmas
b.  Halloween
c.  Juneteenth
d. Valentine's Day

7. my favorite holiday(s):

a.  Girlfriends
b.  Flash
c.  Outlander
d.  All of the above

6. Guilty TV Pleasure:

5. my favorite song for Karaoke:

a.  Making up my bed
b.  Doing a Qigong flow
c.   Prayer and gratitude
d.  My go-to smoothie/juice

4. i start every morning with:

3. things I learned to do well after 40:

a.  Get my motorcycle license
b.  Write the book of my dreams
c.  Own an RV
d.  All of the above

2. something I'd love to do:

a.  Doing household chores
b.  Spending time with my family
c.   Enjoying some alone time
d.  Baking my fave treats

1. in my free time, you'll find me:

Some Dixie Bits

get to know me better!

I see You ~ Leona Lewis

Smoothie or 

Green Juice

Ride a bicycle

A look back on the past decade

At 40, left my biology teaching career for a 
self-care sabbatical.


Managing uterine fibroids and cystic acne. Moved from Manhattan, to rural, PA. Began my own healing & spiritual journey.


 Spent most of the year establishing my coaching practice and supporting clients with their health and wellness needs.


Began the path to Qigong & Tai Chi instructor certification. Became a certified health and wellness coach. Cancelled elective fibroid surgery. 


Home Schooled my daughter and spent most of my year coaching, traveling and learning. The idea for Inside Outer Beauty Market began while learning at the London School of Naturopathic Medicine.



Surrendered to the unknown.

Came back to the USA. Formed the Inside Outer Beauty Market. 


Launched Inside Outer Beauty market. First online and then opened the brick and mortar on June 1st of 2018.


1 year anniversary of IOBM. Began facilitating health and wellness workshops for corporations.


Qigong instructor certification in Thailand in March, 2020. COVID! Black Lives Matter. Lots of workshops and teaching online. IOBM won best, small indie beacon beauty award. 


Began new projects. Hellava lot of healing, learning, unlearning, trying, failing, succeeding and growing up. I've planted plenty of seeds. Now I'm reaping the rewards! 

Now 50, almost 10 yrs later, in a different phase of my life; the Pause phase. My youngest is off to university and the best is yet to come. Cheers to always growing up!

This phase I'll be launching new wellness products, facilitating menopause and self-care workshops, moderating & speaking on panels about wellness within and clean beauty, and Living La Vida as  joyfully as I can.



the grand opening

Empty nester
as of 9/22

8/31/23 closed Inside Outer Beauty Market. Started a year of slowing down to rest, adjust and re-align.


Co-founded Life In The Pause with my business Partner. Had our inaugural event.


Slowed down. Launched The Menopause Lab. Granted a Fellowship from Luminary X Clover Commerce via Life In The Pause.


Emptynesting hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought it was going to be smooth sailing and quickly realized that overnight my life had changed drastically. Now I'm continuint to build a safe, thriving, well-aging community & envisionesting.


The Festival

2024: Rested,
Realigned, Ready
with The Pause Pod Community