The Blog

go ahead And binge read

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After dropping off my daughter at university, I allowed myself some time to be with the avalanche of emotions that were percolating since the beginning of senior year. I cried, stayed in bed, ate chocolates, watched Netflix/Amazon movies, browsed through old photos, etc. Don’t get me wrong. I’m so super excited for my daughter. In […]

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It’s February. Snow tends to fall this time of year. However, compared to the same time last year, we had a mere few inches. Last week a whopping 30 inches fell in my neck of the woods. Usually, the first snowfall takes my breath away. But when it starts to melt and turn into slush, […]

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New Blog Design & Platform loading……….The old one was hacked!!! So I’ll be slowly transferring my old blogs – dated as far back as 2014 and updating them to this site. The hack is annoying but It’s not life threatening. The site will be back and better. There are six pillars of self-care I live […]

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I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.