I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.


She Has A Message
For You!

"Wow, this literally transformed my day and mindset. Meeting my future self shook me so sweetly. Wellthy me, here I come!"  ~ Patricia

Get The Message Here!

Your older, wiser self wants you to be

What's Your Pause Phase?

Take the menopause quiz

take the quiz! (in just 60 seconds)

There are over 30 symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause. These symptoms can creep in causing you to go, wtf? So yeah, it can be confusing and at times scary 'cause perhaps no one prepared you? Take the quiz and get a bit of clarity.

Are your symptoms perimenopausal or post-menopausal? Get a bit of clarity.

Take the menopause quiz

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Download the checklist of questions to ask your healthcare partners. Take it on your next visit, and have that important conversation.

Menopause Question List

Grab the menopause question checklist!

I absolutely need this!

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You may be experiencing unusual symptoms and have even thought, what the heck is happening to my body? Is it just me? Am I losing it? Help! You're not losing it, and you're not alone. Check the list and then check with your primary care partner. 

Menopause Symptoms Checklist

Did you know there are 30+ (peri)menopause symptoms?

I absolutely need this!