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The comfort zone feels sweet and safe, which is why so many find it hard to leave, even for their health and well-being. I mean, who doesn’t want to feel safe? But perceived fear can sabotage self-care, especially the perceived fear around things like aging and menopause.
Consider the fear of communication and the isolation some experience because society perpetuates the notion that aging and rites of passage like menopause are undesirable and should be shrouded in shame and secrecy.
It makes sense that some people are afraid to seek support in navigating the challenges that sometimes accompany the menopausal transition. But there is support in communities like THE PAUSE POD, which reject old, outdated, and misleading paradigms for a new diverse, inclusive, and personalized approach that recognizes menopause as a transformative life stage and celebrates its inherent potential for growth, empowerment and well-being.
It all starts with caring and sharing. In this podcast episode, Guinness World Record Marathoner and award-winning photographer Regina Fleming share her insights on getting creative, exploring new interests, and activating deep desires to increase health and well-being during menopause and beyond.
It’s worth a listen.
Let’s (peri)MenoPause and prosper!
In this episode:
00:00: Preview
00:57: Intro
01:52: Welcome
02:16: Road to Guinness World Record
08:45: How running impacted her menopausal experience
17:43: Who she turned to for support for menopause
21:34: Views about menopause and ageing
25:02: Ways to incorporate activities into your life so you can feel better
31:50: What Is RF Woman
43:12: How to start running marathons
37:26: How running impacts her sleep
39:43: Self-care rituals that supports her well-being
41:01: How does activating creativity provide support during this stage of life
44:07: Photography advice for women struggling with aging and physical changes
48:00: Wrap up, and thank you!
48:50: Future works from Regina
50:00: Where to find Regina.
Additional Resources For Support:
Take the Menopause Quiz: Find out if you might be experiencing (peri)menopause
Menopause blog posts: Various posts about the menopausal phase
The symptoms checklist: A checklist with over forty symptoms you can check off
The menopause question list: A list of questions to ask your healthcare partner
Facebook private community: Private Facebook Community. Click the link to Join
I am by no means a medical professional. I am a Licensed and certified Biology/Health teacher/educator and award-winning beauty/wellness founder. Any information shared on this and future podcasts is my point of view or that of the guests. Please consult with your primary care partner for advice and treatments for your health and well-being. Please read the entire disclaimer Here.
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