After dropping off my daughter at university, I allowed myself some time to be with the avalanche of emotions that were percolating since the beginning of senior year. I cried, stayed in bed, ate chocolates, watched Netflix/Amazon movies, browsed through old photos, etc. Don’t get me wrong. I’m so super excited for my daughter. In fact, I couldn’t be more proud of her and how clear she has been about what she wants. This kid was able to enroll us into her dream. I’m also incredibly excited about this new phase of my life. It’s a new beginning for my husband and me as well. And I’ve been preparing for this. But no amount of preparation makes it easy to send your child off on their own. So feelings will be felt.
Since January, our home has been a mix of occasional stress, excitement, and angst. It’s not like I haven’t done this before. However, when my first daughter, Synead went to university, it was local, in Manhattan. We lived in Manhattan, and I had Zoe. So it didn’t feel as gut-wrenching. This time, there’s no other child left to buffer the pain. So it feels newish. I must say, having supportive friends and family both home in the USA, and in the UK makes this life changing event a beautiful experience.
God knew what he was doing when he planted the idea of a self-care sabbatical in my heart ten years ago. The beauty and benefits of self-care and giving myself love, goodness, and grace have been my saving grace. Happiness and joy is my gospel then and now. And it is a forever goal. Hence the reason I’m easing into this newness. This empty nest life. I’ve set the intention to enjoy the remaining moments of my life as much as humanly possible. I have family and dear friends to connect and reconnect with, a career to optimize and amplify. And I’ve also have lots more joy deep down in my heart, bubble up and and overflowing.
Life is a precious gift, so I’m getting on with it. The first week of empty nesting was spent without my immediate family. No children. No husband. I caught up with my incredible UK family, the Hendersons, and wonderful friends.
I also spent time in Dercé, France, visiting my dear friend, Liva. Her french farm, @lafermederce was precisely what I needed to jumpstart my empty nest journey. I had the best sleep that I could remember. The pitch dark stillness and quiet of the night was divine and did my body great. This Caribbean country girl was bubbling with excitement in the french countryside, hanging with the goat, chickens, the sweetest dog Obá, and helping my friend prep for her evening dinner party.
More time will be spent with family and friends, de-stressing, adjusting, realigning, and allowing.
I couldn’t ask for a better start to empty nesting life. I look forward to a life of abundance. A wellthy life that includes love, health, service and joy. My goal is self-mastery. And the keys are to start and go all the way. I began with self-care in October 2012. I’m going all the way. Let the blessings flow!
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