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Restorative sleep is self-care and is fundamental for our overall well-being. However, during the menopause phase, sleep can be hard to come by for so many as fluctuating and declining hormones can cause disturbances, which can interrupt our wildest dreams.
So does that mean you’re not taking care of yourself if you’re not getting sufficient sleep? Of course not. The self-care is determining what works best to support restful and restorative sleep.
There is no easy answer or one-size-fits-all regarding restorative sleep during menopause. We each have to assess our own body, and its needs, and determine the strategies that work to support sweet slumber.
During the pandemic, I came into awareness of my own sleep disturbances. The time at home also presented me with an opportunity to work on ways to support and restore quality sleep.
In this episode, I’m sharing a bit of my sleep story, addressing the importance of sleep and four things I do to enhance restorative sleep during this menopausal phase.
*Correction: I transitioned into menopause on November 23rd, 2022 not February 23rd as I said in the podcast.
Let’s (peri)MenoPause and prosper!
In this episode:
00:00: Preview
01:07: Intro
01:40: The importance/benefits of sleep
04:08: Reasons for sleep disturbances during menopause
05:30: An important note about the sleep statistics regarding non-binary and Black women
06:17: How hormones affect our sleep
07:38: The 4 things I do to optimize sleep during this post-menopasue phase
08:31: First thing I do to support sleep
15:17: Second thing I do to support sleep
16:05: Third thing I do to support sleep
20:36: Fourth thing I do to support sleep
28:19: What you should do
29:35: Summary
Additional Resources For Support:
Take the Menopause Quiz: Find out if you might be experiencing (peri)menopause
Menopause blog posts: Various posts about the menopausal phase
The symptoms checklist: A checklist with over forty symptoms you can check off
The menopause question list: A list of questions to ask your healthcare partner
Facebook private community: Private Facebook Community. Click the link to Join
I am by no means a medical professional. I am a Licensed and certified Biology/Health teacher/educator and award-winning beauty/wellness founder. Any information shared on this and future podcasts is my point of view or that of the guests. Please consult with your primary care partner for advice and treatments for your health and well-being. Please read the entire disclaimer Here.
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