Dreaming. It’s what I’ve always done. Even when the dreams feel impossible, like now, at almost 50. I’m still dreaming.
I dream of being a better human being, sometimes doing nothing, being happy, acquiring financial wealth, being in service, recreating, and enjoying lifelong health. I dream of being a good mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. There are so many more dreams.
Steady dreaming has me living out my love and heart’s desires, even when they seem ridiculous and risky. What’s life without dreaming and risk taking? I guess I’ll never know the answer to that question.
Who leaves a stable 9 – 5, in my case 7 t0 4 job to do something totally risky? Me. Hands in the air. I know there are many like me out there. And if you’re not like me and other, no shade, because I’m sure you’re doing what you dream of. At least I hope you are.
I’ll be dreaming, dreaming……. forever. How about you?
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