Every great bodily transition comes with its own unique set of experiences. Think puberty and or pregnancy? They all have their pros and cons. Well, menopause is no different. Did you know there are thirty plus symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause? Symptoms vary from none, mild or severe. And to be clear, perimenopause and post-menopause symptoms often overlap, with perimenopause onset occurring much earlier. You can read about perimenopause, here.
I began experiencing perimenopause at thirty-eight, and it started with heart palpitations and feelings of anxiety. Those symptoms have since disappeared, giving way to new ones. This more or less has been the pattern. As some symptoms fade away, new ones pop up. Currently, I’m experiencing mild hot flashes, night sweats, some weight gain and occasional brain fog. I’ll share all the symptoms I’ve experienced and how I manage them in another post.
In the meantime, here are some symptoms that are said to be associated with the menopausal phase. Some are super weird, and I can attest to a few weird ones on this list. Which ones seem weird to you?
Perimenopause & Menopause Symptoms
Brain fog | Urinary incontinence | Migraines |
Heart palpitation | Mood swings | Vaginal dryness |
Dry skin | Breast tenderness | Hot flashes |
Night sweats | Decreased libido | Bloating |
Tingling extremities | Joint pain | Electric shock sensations |
Itchiness | Irregular periods | Sleep disturbance |
Changes in voice | Earache/tinnitus | Depression |
Anxiety | Allergies | Acne |
Weight gain | Osteoporosis | Dry mouth |
Panic disorder | Gum disease | Dry eyes |
Fatigue | Taste changes | Dizzy spells/vertigo |
Thinning hair/hair loss | Body odor | Burning mouth |
Difficulty concentrating | Brittle nails | Cold flushes |
Altered spatial awareness | Formication – feeling of insects crawling on skin | Metallic taste in mouth |
Be mindful that these symptoms may not be due to perimenopause or menopause. They could be associated with something entirely different. Hence the reason why it’s essential to talk to your primary care partner about any changes you might be experiencing.
Are you going through perimeopause or menopause? Which symptoms, if any, are you experiencing? Or perhaps you don’t know. If you’re not sure, take the menopause quiz here and get a bit more clarity. Share your thoughts and comments below.
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