I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.

Voting for Yourself: A Daily Practice in Well-Being

It’s voting season y’all, and the candidates have laid out their platforms for the presidency. The air is filled with promises of change and the power of your vote. Please choose wisely. But as you navigate this time and head to the polls, don’t forget to cast your ballot for the most important candidate of all: YOU.

Imagine, for a moment, that you’re not just voting for the next president—you’re the leader of your own party. The wellbeing of your “constituents”—the people in your life, from family to colleagues—depends on how well you take care of yourself. The better your personal health and mental clarity, the more effective you are in supporting others.

So, what’s your platform? What are the promises you’re making to yourself?

Lay Out Your Agenda

As the head of your personal party, you have an agenda—one that’s centered around nurturing yourself so you can better support others. The question is, how do you nurture yourself daily to achieve your goals and maintain your wellbeing?

Here are a few points to consider as you draft your self-care agenda:

Physical Health 

Are you prioritizing movement, hydration, and rest? Your body is the foundation for everything you do. Without it, none of your other goals stand a chance. Schedule time for exercise, nourishment, adequate sleep, and sufficient rest.

Mental Clarity 

How are you cultivating peace and focus? Meditation, journaling, and moments of quiet can help you clear the mental clutter that builds up daily.

Emotional Wellbeing 

What practices are you engaging in to connect with and process your emotions? Your emotional state impacts your relationships, decisions, and overall happiness.

Personal Growth 

What are you doing to expand your knowledge and skills? Committing to lifelong learning keeps you alert and adaptable.


How are you nurturing your relationships? The people in your life are essential to your well-being, and prioritizing meaningful connections creates a support system for you and those you love.

The Ultimate Vote: You

Every day, you have the opportunity to “vote” for yourself. These aren’t one-time promises like are sometimes made in a political campaign—they are actions you take every single day. Your platform is your commitment to personal growth, health, and happiness, and it shapes how you show up in the world.

So, how are you voting for yourself? Is your daily agenda aligned with what you truly need to feel nourished and fulfilled? Remember, when you prioritize your well-being, you’re better equipped to support others in your life.

Share your thoughts—what does your self-care platform look like? I’d love to hear how you’re voting for yourself every day.

I'm a teacher, beauty/wellness founder, and Qigong Instructor. My work exists to support women and people experiencing the menopausal transition on their health and wellness journey. I believe in the sacredness, wholeness, and expansiveness of well-being and the menopausal passage, and I care deeply about teaching and creating experiences and safe spaces that provide support.

I'm Dixie Lincoln-Nichols

Hey, gorgeous!

The Blogger Deets

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