On November 23rd, 2022, I celebrated My MENOVERSARY!! My menopause anniversary. I couldn’t think of a better portmanteau.
A new iteration of myself has been unfolding for twelve years. November 23rd, marked twelve months (one year) since I had my last period. That meant I was officially in MENOPAUSE (I’m now post-menopause), an experience and journey that includes joy and pain. But you know what they say, pain is the doorway to wisdom and truth. And as painful as life can be, I’ve become wise enough to accept many truths.
This is no doubt a season of change for me, and it’s been nothing short of painful at times. The fact is I’ve been dealing with physical symptoms plus a lot of heavy emotional stuff. That said, I have tremendous gratitude for my toolkit of coping resources which includes people, medicines, and restorative practices.

I encourage you to lean into the changes in your life. Don’t worry about how they look or how you’ll look navigating them. Be open and receive whatever emotions come up. Your emotions are there to guide, enlighten and teach you. Allow them in. Feel them. Manage them (consider therapy for support). There is nothing to be ashamed of. Give yourself love, goodness, and grace.
As my menopause day dawned, I woke up grateful, prayed, did qigong flows, listened to music, nourished my body and danced the morning away. It’s a blessing to be able to experience this milestone, this right of passage. It deserves a celebration.
Through all of this, I’m reminded of the self-care vow I made to myself ten years ago. I’m recommitting to this vow that changed the course of my life ten years ago. With a few tweaks.
Make self-care a priority.
Be unapologetic about my care.
Do something to nourish my body, mind & spirit,
and give myself love, goodness, and grace every day.
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