Where do you live, where are you from & what are you creating?
My name is Sarah McLaughlin Reed and I am married to my wonderful and supportive husband as well as a full-time stay-at-home/work-at-home – mother of two little ones under the age of 4! I live in Georgetown, Texas, just north of Austin.
I come from a large family with my parents and 5 brothers close by! My husband and I both grew up here, went off to college and ended up moving back here to settle down and raise a family.
I am the founder of Womb Box, A Postpartum Care Kit for Expecting Moms. My husband is co-owner and Womb Box would not be here if it weren’t for his support and push to make my vision come to life.
I am on a mission to spread the awareness and importance of postpartum support and self-care, every mom needs and deserves.

Your Self-care Rituals:
I begin each morning with a glass of water, an apple cider vinegar mixture then coffee. Lately, diffusing essential oils feels great to start the day with. Morning skincare and hygiene routines usually take place after I have the kids settled with breakfast and an activity.
If the day is not too busy and we do not have to leave the house early, I enjoy reading, stretching and spending time with the kids while drinking my hot coffee before it gets cold, again!
I make it a point to take my vitamins, probiotics, immune boosters,
I take water everywhere I go. Healthy and balanced meals always make each day better in so many ways and I try to model that for my children as well, as much and as often as possible.
Fit4Mom Stroller Strides and Yoga are my favorite form of exercise in this season of life with two little ones!
Spending time with kids, just sitting down on the floor with them, playing, doing puzzles and reading is a big form of self-care for me. When the days are too busy and too much on-the-go away from home,
I miss that time with them at the end of the day. They are growing so quickly, so this is a goal of mine each day, even if the dishes are piled high and the to do list is long.
Vitamin D – getting outside. Always, always, always makes the day better! For myself and the kids!
Once the children are asleep for the day, I will spend time with my husband just relaxing or take a long, hot, lavender epsom salt bath. I do my night time skincare and hygiene routines and head off to bed. I generally work, read, watch a mind easing show and spend time in prayer.
I try my best to go to bed early enough to get a full 8 hours and feel great when I do!
Even if it’s only 15 minutes a day – I make sure to do something for myself, in some way!
Lately, I have been adamant about my skincare routine and always feel better with a little self-pampering. I am loving my body dry brush, body scrub treatment in the shower and face mask routine right now. On Sundays, we go to church and spend time together as a family. My faith and quality family time is a large part of personal my self-care and what keeps me going!
Date nights with my husband and time with friends are goals and do not happen near enough! Time alone is always great for resetting my thoughts and emotions – whether grocery shopping alone or my husband just taking the kids out for the day so that I can just relax is always and needed more than I realize at the time.
At the beginning of each year, I set goals for myself and my family for all aspects of our lives. This year I have focused on self-care for myself that includes intermittent fasting and prayer.
My husband and I made it a goal to be the best version of ourselves, especially with our health and well-being. Spring cleaning is something I generally do and it always feels great to refresh and revamp our home and lives. Other goals for this year are to live in the present, live a more simplistic lifestyle and to just slow down and breathe.
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