I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.

3 Health Devices Every Woman Over 40 Should Have In Their Well-being Kit

When I entered my 40s and 50s, the conversation around health and well-being took on a whole new layer of importance. And it’s not just me, my peers are prioritizing these conversations and taking action too.

As you know, during this time, the body begins to experience changes that can affect overall well-being. So it’s super important to be attuned to those changes. For example, the changes or decline of hormones during menopause can cause increased risks of cardiovascular disease, and fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

But with advancements in technology, tools and devices have become increasingly popular for detecting and monitoring changes effectively, ensuring early detection so you can take appropriate action to manage health concerns.

Side note: In my opinion, health insurance companies should be required to pay – at least one time- for these devices once a woman reaches 40 years. So, let’s get into the three tools I believe every woman over forty should have in their well-being toolkit:

1. Blood Pressure Monitor: Keeping a Pulse on Your Health

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often dubbed the “silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms but can lead to serious health issues like heart disease and stroke. The risk of developing hypertension increases as we age, especially for women post-menopause. But do keep in mind, these issues can begin in the perimenopausal years.

Why it’s essential: Regular monitoring of your blood pressure can help detect hypertension early, enabling timely interventions. A home blood pressure monitor is a great tool that allows you to make frequent checks without the need to visit a healthcare provider regularly. Of course, if your numbers are higher or lower than it should be, contact your healthcare provider immediately or go to the nearest emergency room/urgent care.

What to look for: Choose a monitor that is easy to use and has been validated for accuracy. Features like memory storage for tracking readings over time and the ability to share data with your health providers digitally can enhance its utility. But not everyone is super savvy when it comes to these devices, so a simple but accurate device will do.

2. Blood-Glucose Kit: Managing Sugar Levels Effectively

Changes in hormone levels as you age and during menopause can affect how your body processes sugar, increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This makes monitoring your blood sugar levels more urgent than ever.

Why it’s essential: A blood-glucose kit provides the means to monitor your sugar levels at home, which is useful for those diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes. Regular monitoring can help manage your condition more effectively, preventing complications.

What to look for: A reliable kit should be simple to use and provide quick and accurate readings. Look for kits that come with a lancet device that is gentle on the fingers and test strips that require minimal blood for less discomfort. And if you don’t know how to use one, there’s plenty of tutorials on Youtube or ask your healthcare provider to show you.

3. Bio Tracker: Understanding Your Body Better

Bio trackers are next level. They go beyond the capabilities of a standard fitness tracker by monitoring various physiological metrics such as heart rate, sleep patterns, respiratory rate, and even stress levels. Learn more from this blog post: 6 Bio Trackers That Will Improve Your Health Habits.

Why it’s essential: These devices provide a holistic view of your health, giving insights about your health that can motivate lifestyle changes, enhance sleep quality, and improve stress management—all crucial aspects of health as you age. There’s nothing like seeing your body’s data and performance with your own eyes. It somehow has the ability to trigger action. You know what they say, seeing is believing.

What to look for: Consider a bio tracker that suits your lifestyle, comfort and price point. Features like water resistance, long battery life, and seamless integration with mobile devices can help ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

Final thoughts

Incorporating these three tools into your self-care regimen will empower you to take charge of your health with confidence. Whether you’re monitoring your blood pressure, keeping an eye on blood sugar levels, or tracking your overall bio metrics, these tools can provide valuable insights to help you make informed health decisions.

Remember, the key to well-aging is being proactive. It’s awareness, acknowledgement and action. And with these tools, you’re well on your way to maintaining vitality well into your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

Also keep in mind, while these tools are helpful, they should complement regular check-ups with your healthcare provider. Always consult with a professional for personalized advice and treatment plans. And if you see data on your device that’s concerning, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Here’s to a healthier, empowered you!

I'm a teacher, beauty/wellness founder, and Qigong Instructor. My work exists to support women and people experiencing the menopausal transition on their health and wellness journey. I believe in the sacredness, wholeness, and expansiveness of well-being and the menopausal passage, and I care deeply about teaching and creating experiences and safe spaces that provide support.

I'm Dixie Lincoln-Nichols

Hey, gorgeous!

The Blogger Deets

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