I'm Dixie. 50+ Biology and health educator, qigong practitioner, beauty and wellness founder, empty nester, and all round life lover.

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listen to the Pause Pod podcast →
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50+ biology and health teacher, dreamer and doer, self-care connoisseur, born and reared Caribbean country gyal, health & wellness educator, Qigong practitioner, veggie juice drinker, smoothie consuming operator, and beauty & wellness founder.

hi, I'm Dixie.  

as seen in:

This way for a bit more about me→

I am Dixie Lincoln-Nichols. I live in Pennsylvania. I am a 51-year post-menopausal woman, mama, teacher, educator, health coach, Qigong instructor, podcast host  and founder of an award-winning beauty/wellness retailer. 

In 2012, I had an eat, pray, love moment and resigned from my teaching position to embark on a self-care sabbatical.

a Bit ABout Me 

My work exists to support women on their health and well-being journey as they age. I believe in the sacredness, wholeness, and expansiveness of well-being, including the menopausal passage, and I care deeply about creating experiences and safe spaces that provide support.

I'm among the many who are dismantling old paradigms and narratives about growing older and (PERI/POST) MENOPAUSE, you know, the rite of passage that's long been shrouded in secrecy and that's causing so many to live in silence, shame and even pain. 

If you are ready to move from striving to thriving, you can start by downloading the free resources I created just for you, here and signing up for my weekly newsletter, here. 

I'm 52, Post-Menopausal
& Thriving Through it!

What's Your
MenoPause Phase?

Take the menopause quiz

take the quiz! (in just 60 seconds)

There are over 30 symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause. These symptoms can creep in causing you to go, wtf? It can be confusing and at times scary 'cause perhaps no one prepared you? Take the quiz and get a bit of clarity.

Are your symptoms perimenopausal or post-menopausal? Get a bit of clarity.

Take the menopause quiz

let's work together →

I create spaces for support.

I'm a Biology/health educator, teacher and founder of  the former award-winning, Inside Outer Beauty Market and co-founder of Life In The Pause.  I partner with compassionate companies who value the health and well-being of their employees. I also work with visionaries who recognize that well-being is worth embracing.

I'm available to guide workshops on well-aging and menopause in the workplace and for private groups and individuals, moderating and speaking on panels about clean beauty, health & well-being, well aging, menopause, and also for podcast interviews.

What I Do and Who I'm Here for

Every week, I send tips, news, and or encouragement. Join me and a growing list of women boldly changing the old menopause paradigm and winding up for our well-being! 


We embrace the menopause lifestyle because...

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You may be experiencing unusual symptoms and have even thought, what the heck is happening to my body? Is it just me? Am I losing it? Help! You're not losing it, and you're not alone. Check the list and then check with your primary care partner. 

Menopause Symptoms Checklist

Did you know there are 30+ (peri)menopause symptoms?

I absolutely need this!

On The Blog